Time: 2 – 2:45pm ET
Zoom registration link: https://us06web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZ0qdOCrqzgvHt2q6k-Cx_6nlCw9ZkPODT_g
*You will see some important questions from our team in the registration form. Please fill these out as accurately as you can, as this will help the team to structure the workshop accordingly. If you plan on registering for more than one workshop, you only need to answer these questions once.
PatSeer guest log-in information: PatSeer guest login accounts can be created for members to access specific datasets through PatSeer. Members can log in to the PatSeer using guest accounts and use the PatSeer search and analytics toolkit to navigate through the datasets. The guest accounts will initially be provided for a period of four weeks and can be extended for a longer period on a need basis. PatSeer guest accounts will be created on a request basis. If you are interested in obtaining a guest account before the workshops, select that option in the form when you are registering for the workshop. More details will follow once we receive your requests. If you would like to have access to more than one dataset, please let us know through the registration form of that dataset.
What to expect from us: The first week of January, you will be emailed:
- Details of your PatSeer guest account (if requested)
- A breakdown of specific technical categories within the Sensors in ITS data set – you will have the option to select specific categories that are of interest to you.